Tuesday, May 24, 2005


My stint as a resident of North Park apartments, on Backer (st. rd. ln. blvd.?) is the longest period of time I have lived anywhere on my own. I lived on the second floor of the complex, which has pretty much relieved me of the deisre to ever live in a two story house. When you move out of a 2nd story apartment into a second story apartment, you realize that carrying all of your belongings up and down a flight of stairs is very not fun.
The roommate my roommate R had before me was a student mechanic, and the walls in the room that I was moving into were a light shade of motor oil with a hint of axle grease...needless to say, i put my bed against a different wal...cleaning and scrubbing it made little difference and so I ended up covering it with a bookshelf.
The apartment was generally in poor shape. The shower had some serious water damage, it seemed like the tiles were about ready to fall off of the walls. The carpets were as old as the building, and the stove in the kitchen was avacado green. At least the linoleum was new...unfortunately there was a slight mishap involving a t-shirt and a hot sheet of cookes that caused damage to the linoleum. Other than that life was fairly tame on Backer.
I did a GIS for backer and the picture below was my favorite result of that search. I think I like the guys steamboat hat, it says to me "come ride the steamboat!" that is all.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That guy looks like my grandpa, Bob.