Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Hello everybody. Sorry that I have not blogged much in the last couple weeks. Work has been keeping me busy, and not much has been going on. I finished up a book by Wendell Berry called The Memory of Old Jack, and started The Centaur...which I don't quite get yet, but I am only two chapters into it as of yet. So far it seems like all of the gods of Mt. Olympus have come down and entered the teaching profession. Zeus is the principal, Venus is the PE teacher...The centaur Chiron, teaches science.

So the other week I had a party and invited my entire class. When I got home from school that day I was a bit suprised to find a rooster (below) running around the backyard...I really didn't feel like having a rooster at my party so I went next door and asked if they had a rooster, they said "yes" and I told them it was in my backyard. So my neighbor A came and got it. We cornered it, in the corner, and it jumped up on the fence and was threatening to jump over, which would have been bad news as the people behind me have large rooster eating dogs, but I ran a distraction white A snuck up beneath out fine feathered friend and captured him without further incident. The party was a little bit of a dissapointment, as only one of my classmates and her husband, showed up but they were really quite fun, and my roommate invited a couple people over and we ended up having a decent time. Still trying to get rid of about 10 gallons of beer though. Drop by for a pint will ya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought there was gonna be a rooster picture at the bottom of the page. I have one of a rooster and Ben somewhere if you need one. Remember those two roosters I had for awhile? The one would rush to eat bugs when you turned over rocks for him and the other just wanted to fight the world. Stupid roosters.