Friday, May 20, 2005


If someone were emotionaly on a level between elated and ecstatic, are they elastic??

So, I grew up in a part of town the Nortenos (i don't know how to make an enye or umlao) liked to call "El Lando de Bird-o" which when translated into Enlgish means "The Place where those of avian ancestry reside" which has been shortened over the years to be known as "The land of birds" or as some say "Birdland" Growing up in birdland was kind of fun. Where else in town were the roads themes, I mean, there were some dumb parts of town where the names were just all jumbled together, like Cambridge, Princton, Vassar, Harvard, and several other meaningless made up names. In Birdland we had streets that were named after Birds, like Oriole, Wren, Robin, Giddings, Lark, Dove, Quail, and Divisadero. My favorite of all the streets in Birdland is and was my very own street, Canary. I liked the Canary because it was bright yellow, and people seem to like the song of a canary much better then those of the other birds, especially those warbling birds, like the Northern two fisted redbellied Warbler of San Antonio. The funny thing, or at least funny to me, is how many people spelled it or pronunciated it incorrectly. Several people, mainly the people who answer phones at the local pizza delivery place, said "Cannery"... Actually I guess it isn't really that funny after all... So anyway, I posted a picture of a Canary for you to look at.


Natalie said...

After speaking to you, you told me that you might do a theme on the streets you have lived. I think that would be a pretty swell idea afterall.
I'm anticipating the next entry.
It almost makes me want to find a similar theme, but then I would be a copycat, and I don't want to do that. Hmmmm....Maybe I could do "The Schools I have gone to," or "The kids I have babysat." I don't know....Maybe I'll think of a theme and go with it....we'll see....

Mr. Youngs said...

How about "Walls I have licked" ? :)