Wednesday, April 13, 2005


This is Wednesday's emergency "I have not posted in several days and my readers need something to amuse themselves post" so with that in mind ...things smell like eggroll...and peanut butter. Many of you do not know why things smell like eggroll and peanutbutter. I will tell you. Wednesday is the long day, that is, i get up early...well, i get up late and go to work, work all day, then scramble to get to school in time which is even harder because somone stole my bicycle which was locked to my truck while I was at work one day, mind you I was out of town that day...anyhow, i have class on this day every week from 5:30 to 10:00 and it drags, well at least it drags in the first class, but not the second. Anyhow, The girl who sits next to me and I both bring snacks and today I brought peanut butter and she brought, well another girl in the clas bought her an eggroll, thusly the smell of the two mixed and that is why it smells like peanut butter and eggroll.

well, i know it is pathetic, but hopefully it will tie you masses of readers over until I can put up a better, more thoughtful and insightful post, like I normally would.

I would like to thank the beautiful and talented "S" for the use of her laptop for this post. Anyhow, i need to concentrate on the lecture now, see you later.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing Luke.... I feel so much better!!!

Natalie said...

Oh, and by the way, it was MY bike that was stolen, not yours.
You still have your bike but refuse to ride it because you don't want it to be a victim of theft either. I don't blame you, but it was MY bike that was stolen, member?