Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Hello, and welcome to the first installment, and possibly the last installment, of the Weblog of Mstr. Luke Allen Youngs III esq. Please no smoking while you are visiting my webspace, also no eating. Small children and pets should be safetly secured under your seat in the provided storage area. Please leave your clothes on, and that does mean all of them. Furthermore, correct punctuation and capitalization are to be used on volunteer basis only. Do spell as correctly as you can, and try to avoid using the subjunctive. Exits can be found by using ctrl-alt-delete or by actuation of the back, forward, or close buttons at any time. Please keep all hands, feet, fingers, toes, tails, and antlers within the confined space at all times during your stay. Thank you, and please enjoy your time at this websitepage of the world wide internet.


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