Thursday, March 31, 2005


Well, dropping phones in water is contageous these days. My co-worker went home at lunch and was playing with his dog and somehow managed to drop his cell phone in the dog's water bucket. Unfortunately his phone has those star shaped screw heads and will not come apart easily. I tried to lend him my screw-ball (one of the handiest little gadgets I have ever recieved, thanks Grandma) but the bit was slightly to large.

So I have been pretty busy doing the drafting thing. Below is a picture of the Rodriguez house, which will be built here in the central valley. I am not the original designer on the project, but I have made some significant changes, mainly to the interior.

Back to the screwball though, it has been a lifesaver. If ever I need to tighten a screw on a pair of glasses, put new wheels on a mini set of rollerblades, or need something small hard and spiky to throw at someone, I have my screw ball. Some might say that I am the screw ball, but if they did, they should beware because I would probably throw it at them.

Tomorrow is April fool's least favorite day of the year. Oh well, I am sure the Hamster Haxxors will attack FARK again, everybody gets a good laugh, ha ha ha

-end transmission-

Casa de Rodriguez!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


My axe, as they say in the "biz", a tuba. Some call it the bass, others call it a concert tuba, as opposed to those practice tubas, and driving tubas out there. I usually refer to it as my horn. Most people have a misconception about the tuba, mainly that it just goes oom-pah, over and over in marching bands and polka bands. What they fail to realize is that tuba players also have to sustain notes for thrity-two measures at a time. Also tuba players are excellent at sitting quietly and counting rests...for those of you who are not musical, rests are the time period in which a member of the orchestra or band does not play while the rest of the orchestra does. More often than not, a tuba player will have five hundred measures of rests and then have 200 measures of a sustained B-flat. Usually in rehearsals the conductor will play four hundred ninety nine measures of the song and then stop and go back to the beginning. This is why tuba players are such good counters...only surpassed by triangle players. One important thing that tuba players are taught to remember while they are counting rests is to avoiding picking their noses, as this could become distracting during a concert.
People refer to those who play the tuba as many things: Tubists, Tuba players, Tubadours, Tubamanders, Tubaians, Tubanese, Tuba toothpaste. I find that most of these people have no idea what they are talking about and should be avoided.

Meinl Weston, William Bell model

Monday, March 28, 2005


This weekend, my housemate and I climbed upon the roof to give the evap. cooler a good refurbishing. We bought a new water pump, cooling pads, two packages of zip ties, a floater valve, twenty five feet of copper tubing, and a new belt. The previous owners had geri-rigged it with automotive belts from NAPA, which made it squealed like someone burning out on my roof. Aside from the water hose falling off the roof, and having to go down several extra times for another tool, completing the repairs was pretty easy. The downer is, what I have come to find out is called the louver (the cover that wraps around the unit), is not manufactured anymore. Apparently the cooler I have was manufactured shortly after Lincoln's assisination, and to get factory parts you have to rob a museum. I have been referred half a dozen times already, and the latest "only place that carries it" is sixty miles away, and closed on Mondays. The clerk that helped me initially told me "ah, you need a louver"
"a what?"
"a louver, you know the thing that turns into popcorn ever four years?"
"oh, you have one?"
"no, sorry"

after this the conversations have all gone like this:

10 "Hi, I need a louver for an Aireze evaporative cooler."
20 "Oh, we don't have any of those. We used to, but we don't have them anymore. The only place I know that carries them is" A$
30 Look up A$
40 Dial # for A$
50 goto 10

In the meantime I suppose I will just have to live with a naked cooler. How embarassing!

Cooler in the "buff"

Friday, March 25, 2005


Thats right, for one reason or another, all small "domesticated" pets with four feet and whiskers have some kind of great contempt for my change repository. Note how his left ear is cracked throughout...that is the result of the most recent incident. I went to bed only to wake up to the sound of a large thud followed by the CACHUNK a bunch of quarters makes when it hits the floor. The cat must have been tired of the way the pig stared her down with those beady little eyes. She had to have done it on purr-puss (sorry)... how can a six pound cat push five pounds of quarters and piggy bank off a desk by accident? Luckily, because of all of the credit card stickers, most of the pieces were held loosely together. It took me a good hour to glue him back together using Mod podge. Some of the pieces were missing...vaporized when $75 worth of quarters ground them into dust particles. Interestingly enough this is not the first time this piggy bank (heretofor known as Chip) has been the target of ferral like violence. Shortly after I received him, he was knocked to the floor by a previous cat. Luckily he was empty at the time. Regardless, his entire posterior popped off, but the fractured porcelain was easily reattatched with ELMERS glue. I give you, Chip ...well, "give" as in "you can look at this picture of him", not as in "you can take him home."

The subject of feline abuse


-And on the second day the LORD did evaporate all the moisture from within the depths of the cell phone thusly proclaiming "I say unto thee, reassemble thy phone and see the work I have done for thee." and lo, the phone was reassembled and the source of its power was activated from without. Immediately the phone sprang back to life and said unto it's master "Insert SIM card." And lo' the SIM card was inserted and it began to do good work in the service of it's master. And there was much rejoicing.

Book of Electronics 14:9-11

alive and well

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Napolean, pictured below, thinks that he is quite the ladies-bear. It has something to do with the fact that he is "Franch" and that he speaks the language of "l' amor". Be that as it may, Napolean has actually won over many of the ladies with his expliots (or antics as some call them). He thinks they like him because he is "ze creme uf le crop" but I think it is because he is fat and cuddly and makes them laugh with his obviously fake accent. Perhaps if you meet him, you can judge for yourself, beware though, he can sometimes be quite...amorous.

"I am not fat, I am economically sized"


Last night around midnight weary while I conversed, tired and dreary,
Over many a quaint and curious subject of education lore --
While I spake, my phone on top, I slightly turned and then did drop,
My cell phone slipping, slipping sliding, dropping on my chamber floor.
"My cell phone dropped," I thinkered, "fallen to my chamber floor" --
Only this and nothing more."

Now as far as I remember, it was two months past December,
When a glass of water, I had left upon the floor.
Eagerly I looked not far-o; -- for my cell phone on the floor-o
and was filled with much sorrow – for what I saw upon the floor --
For the phone had fallen in the water, and to replace it I am too poor --

It will work Nevermore

The offending glass of water (refilled for dramatic context) with my autopsied phone.

My old reliable cell phone

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


So, i think you will agree that this blogging thing can become terribly addicting. For instance, this is my fourth post in one or two took me a few minutes to figure out how to do the picture posting thing, but hey, i did it and now I am a pro. So I think I will probably be really into this at first, and then in a month or two or three or six, tire of it all and then only update once every four months, then a year, then four years...then I will die and four years later everyone will be like "I wonder why don't he write no mo'" but maybe i can give someone my password and they can post something like "regretfully Luke died four years ago in a freak accident involving a fourwheel drive, butter tarts, and a flamenco dancer, please send your condolences to: ____________" i think that would be a good idea, that way you all would know that i had passed on and could quit wasting your time visiting for updates, because the last thing I would want to do would be to waste anyone's time...except my own apparently.

God Bless,

THis is me at Disneyland, i am mimic-ing the tiki. I am the one in front


I ate crackers all morning, and some sour cream and onion potato chips. I had Wendy's for lunch, (a baked potato, fries, a salad, and a burger) apparently the dollar menu is now a dollar nineteen menu. how i long for the days of fifty-nine seventy-nin ninety-nine at Taco Bell. Two bean burritos and a mountaind dew was two dollars and eleven cents. Also today which was eaten by me was two handfulls of mixed nut trail mix.



Hello, and welcome to the first installment, and possibly the last installment, of the Weblog of Mstr. Luke Allen Youngs III esq. Please no smoking while you are visiting my webspace, also no eating. Small children and pets should be safetly secured under your seat in the provided storage area. Please leave your clothes on, and that does mean all of them. Furthermore, correct punctuation and capitalization are to be used on volunteer basis only. Do spell as correctly as you can, and try to avoid using the subjunctive. Exits can be found by using ctrl-alt-delete or by actuation of the back, forward, or close buttons at any time. Please keep all hands, feet, fingers, toes, tails, and antlers within the confined space at all times during your stay. Thank you, and please enjoy your time at this websitepage of the world wide internet.
