Monday, June 27, 2005


So last night I fell asleep on my couch and was awakened by my girlfriend who had begged me to help her with somem trash that had piled up on her back patio. I had declined and she had left to take care of it by herself, however was soo grossed out by some unexpected larvae, that she couldn't handle it, and since my phone was set on silent in the other room, I had not heard her call me ten times. So she decided to come by and see why I wasn't answering. So she walkED in to find me asleep, woke me up and started telling me her dilemma. About 30 seconds into her plea for help, my cat Miako decided she needed N's attention, ran up her leg and attatched herself to N's chest via claws (normally I catch her and she doesn't need her claws)

*Now, the trick was cute when she was a kitten. She would spring up my pants and shirt and I would grab her , hold her, and pet her. These days the trick still works, only her vertical leap is high enough for me to catch her on her initial jump. The problem is that she tries the trick when I am not paying attention, the other problem is that she tries the trick with my guests and friends who don't see it coming.

The day before she got N, she got me while I was ..err...taking care of business. She jumped up and latched onto me back. It hurt. I tried to shake her off, which made her dig in even further. It hurt worse. I managed to grab the scruff of her neck and chuck her into the hallway, a little too hard. Anyhow, i had all of her claws equally dispersed in my back, which hurts, dont get me wrong...but it looked like she was hanging onto the center of N's chest by a single claw. Imagine the weight of a small adult cat suspended from one place... that place being a hook driven through the first 4 layers of your epidermis.
...Yeah, I bet it still hurts. Sorry hun!


Natalie said...
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Anonymous said...

got your message about the bbq. how come so many people have spouses already? and more importantly, why was i not informed that js and dt were going to be espoused?? happy for them, but geez, and email at the time would have been great, too!

hrm, i dunno if i'll be in the area 7/23, may still be in russia. might not be able to make it back down to cv until august...