Monday, June 20, 2005


I posted this on a friend's blog, but then I did some research and figured it out...

So my mom was trying to tell me about this movie that she remembered was really good, the conversation went more or less like this, "There was this guy...And he lived alone on this space station and grew plants, and he had a robot, and I remember it was kind of sad"
"What did the robot look like"
"Umm..I don't know"
"And he grew plants?...Was he evil? was the robot evil? Was it the black hole?"
"No, it wasn't the 'black hole.' He had to grow plants for the Earth because they couldn't grow them anymore"
"There were plants in the 'BLACK HOLE'"
"It wasn't the black hole!"
"What did the robots look like?"
"umm...*laugh*...I don't know, all I can think of is like R2-D2. Like a mix between R2-D2 and the Black Hole robots"
"So what happens?"
"I don't want to tell you, I only remember the end and I don't want to give it away"
"You said it was sad...does the guy die?"
"I'm not telling you"
"Well you said it was sort of wouldn't be sad if the plants died"
"You don't know that"
"Mom, come one, the guy dies, what else do you remember"
"Well, you don't see him die, I just remember you see him laying on the ground and the camera pans back away from him and out of like this greenhouse thing and into space..."

"...That's all you remember?"

"...So this movie is really good, but all you can remember is the last camera pan? And that there were plants and a robot."
"Yeah, it's good"

So anyhow, I did some research, using the keywords 'plants earth' on the IMDB, which, for those of you who don't know(mom), is the Internet Movie Data Base. The movie she was talking about is called Silent Running, and she has the general idea right, but is missing some of the more inportant events. Oh, and the robots look nothing like R-2 or vincent and bob from Black Hole. Anyhow, i put it in my netflix queue, Ill tell you how it is after I watch it, ciao


Anonymous said...

heh, it was definitely one of the funnier comments i've ever received, as well as the longest. i posted a reply on my blog.

Natalie said...

Your good, honey. So, I get to watch a robot movie, huh? =) Actually, it sounds kind of interesting. Well, the last camera pan does anyway.