Thursday, June 02, 2005


I lived at 936 W. Evans...sort of. The house, which has since been sold, belonged to my step-mother and so I lived there less than half the time. The house had a pool, which my friends and I used to enjoy all summer. My step-sister and her friends would often lay out, undoing their bikini straps while they subathed, while I and my friends played shark and minnow or marco polo, always watching them out of the corners of our eyes, always hoping to catch a glimpse of something, but which to my boyish dissapointment never quite materialized.

One or two times I arrived unnanouced at the place, during the summer, come to play computer games or wait for my friends to come over to swim, to find my step-mother (Sm) out back, topless, doing chores with her headset on, totally oblivious to me, well, the first time it happened we suprised each other, I don't know who was more embarrassed. The second time I managed to see her without her seeing me, so I just ducked back into the house and went to play games on my dad's computer with the music up pretty loud.

I remember when I was younger maybe 7 or eight, maybe ten, there was an incicent where somehow I got hold of my Sm's breast. After this event I was told that if I wanted to touch Sm's breast that I needed to ask first. Which I thought was strange, like I was going to go up to her and say " (L) can I fondle your breasts please?" It seems as ridiculous to me now as it did back then. What has always bothered me is that I know that I did not grope, grapple, or fondle her on purpose, I didn't even know that I had, if I did, which I must have, but even so, If I had, I think I would remember. Like the time T wouldn't let me go so as a last resort I reached out and gave her a good squeeze, which worked marvelously. Anyhow just for the record I never purposely touched Sm's breast, and I do not even remember accidentally doing so.

Anyhow, Evans always made me think of that guy on knight rider...No, not David Hasslehoff, the other guy.


Natalie said...

Funny. Kind of hard to read, but that is pretty funny. I remember one time when my brother, B was about 5 or something that he tried to slip my aunt the tongue when she bent over to give him a kiss. It doesn't have anything to do with breasts but your story reminded me of it.
Ok, that's all.

Kristin said...

NICE story - some are just not meant for a blog :) It was good to see you at Hannah's wedding!

Mr. Youngs said...

Well, I am just telling the truth, I guess I will have to put a PG-13 notice on my coversheet.