Thursday, June 23, 2005


I don't think that it is wrong to eat ice cream as a meal. For roughly two weeks during my junior year of high school, I bought a double scoop from thrifty's as lunch, and never had any problems. It was also alot cheaper than buying the the bean burritos and small Mt. Dew that served as my lunch for the majority of my high school career. On campus burritos were pretty good too, deep fried, crunchy and slightly spicy, they also went well with a can of Mt. Dew. They also sold chocolate chip cookie dough, which was a splurge, but which I bought fairly often. One of my favorite things to eat was Planters cheez balls with a bottle of ginger ale. I referred to this as my "nectar and ambrosia" I could polish off a whole tin in one sitting. I liked the way the puffs dissolved in my mouth, and the flavor was excellent. They have since discontinued the cheez balls...last time I bought them they had added more zing to the cheez was bad. I missed the buttery light cheesy flavor that they used to have.

I don't know why companies insist on taking a perfectly good product and changing the flavor just so they can add a "new" sticker on it. They did the same thing to "Chicken in a biscuit." They made them taste more ranchy, (raunchy). It must have failed because the new flavor was very not good, and the boxes are now marked original flavor...only I have had them and they are not the original flavor. Something has been changed, they are not the same buttery chickeny flavored crackers that I remember from my childhood, and that is just a shame.

I was going to end there but in doing a GIS for "planters cheese balls" I see images of "Planters Cheez Mania." These are the little monstrosities that they replaced the cheez balls with. (and I will end my sentences with prepositions if I care to.) I guess they are targeting dumb little kids now, because kids love stupid cartoon cheese wedges on skateboards, and don't have very discerning pallates. What happened to the sophisticated Mr. Peanut peddling his buttery flavored cheez balls? I hope people realize how nasty the replacements are and that they sit on the shelves and rot (only there are so many preservatives in cheez balls that they along with roaches and twinkies will survive nuclear holocaust), why not let the consumers choose? why not offer both original and extra nasty cheezy? KFC does it, and look at their success!



Natalie said...

CHEEZ BALLS? Wow. I didn't realize how dissapointed you were in the production of Cheez Mania. You know, sometimes people get nice suprises when they take action with little things like this. Try writing a letter. Or even just send the link to the makes of the Cheez Balls and let them read it. Who knows, they may just be waiting for someone to put it to them straight. It's up to you, LUKE!!! You must save the Cheez Balls!!!

Kristin said...

Ah - what fond memories I have reading youe blog! I remember eating a bag of Funyions (Onion Rings) and a neopolitan ice cream sandwich for lunch many of my days in Junior High. My only other options were 1) Eat in the Cafeteria - that was an obvious place to avoid, 2) Go off campus for lunch - which we couldn't since it was junior high, and oh by the way - Computech Middle School isn't exactly located in the best part of town, 3) bring lunch - another "ruled out" option for a teenager, or 4) starve (obviosuly I didn't choose this option!) So I, like many of my friends, ate those crunchy, salty, smelly onion rings and then followed it by an ice cream sandwich - what WERE we thinking???

Natalie said...

At first I was thinking that I couldn't remember eating lunch in Jr. High, but after some deliberation, I can't see how I could forget. I actually worked in the Cafeteria both years of my Jr. High career. I loved it, too!! I got whatever I wanted. (I always got extra mashed potatoes and turkey gravy - yum!!) I remember that I worked with a lady named Sabre who was a tall, crazy looking mexican lady who drew her eyebrows on super dark and way above her arch and was in love with Michael Bolton. She was really cool, but I got tired of listening to "Soul Provider" after about the eightieth time I heard it.
I loved the Cafeteria ladies. I had a much deeper respect for them after working with them for two years. There was also this total sweetheart named Cookie. She was chinese and couldn't speak a lick of english. She would always tell me with a thick accent, "you so pretty and tarr!! I wish I was tarr rike you." She was sweet. I definitely grew close to the cafeteria staff.
I also remember that there was this other guy that worked in the Cafeteria with me. His name was Lupe and he was on trash control. He was a student as well. I caught him, on quite a few occasions, going through the garbage cans and eating other peoples left overs. It was pretty gross. He was like six feet tall and pretty dang big for a seventh grader. He ended up going to my high school and being on the football team. I guess he was just really hungry.

Kristin said...

Natalie - great story - kinda gross at the same time! In elementary school, I befriended the school's trash guy - his name was Frank. I remember helping him when all the kids would dump their trays in the big trash bins on the way out to the playground - fascinating how trash can bring up such fond memories for us!!