Monday, May 29, 2006


In my bathroom there is a toilet paper dispenser. There are also three rolls of toilet paper sitting on the tub beside the toilet. These three rolls are of the same brand and each has a different width, due to use. One is almost gone, one is halfway gone, and one has just been started. None of these rolls are actually on the dispenser, which has an empty roll on it. I do not understand this system of toilet paper usage, but I have come to accept it.

now the randomness:

Japanese cartoons have good themes, my favorite being the opening to Cowboy Bebop. Also in the mix, Trigun, and Gundam Wing. Spirited away also has excellent music, especially the the music for the credits. I have to say I am a little dissapointed in the Gundam and Trigun series; in that the romance/love aspects are never completed, they tend to leave it hanging. Hiro was supposed to at least tell Reylena that he loved her, Vash should have hooked up with whats her face, after all Mille hooked up with wolfwood. I hope Bebop will be a little more solid with where it ends. Big O, now that was confusing, I'm still not sure exactly what happened with that one.

My honey let me rent a couple PS2 games, cuz we have one now. One of them was Shadow of the Colossus. Excelent game, awesome gameplay, not too easy, but not too difficult...yet. Truly awe inspiring meeting the first colossus, played for hmm several hours, Alfred came over and played for a long time too, actually he was way ahead of me, but I played this morning and beat another two ahead of him.

I really like our friends, C and A, and R and A, we really need to spend much more time with them, plus they have kids, so my daughter can play with they whenever we get together.

I have finished all of the work for my credential, paperwork, left
England soon
will be fun

what else whate else

oh yeah, sorry this has been so long...the school district blocks this domain and I only do computer stuff there, email and such, so yeah, thats why


okay, well thats all good, see you later


Natalie said...

You know, the toilet paper thing is sort of a fluke. I don't like the position of the holder. You have to like bend all the way back and reach around you. I'd rather have the access of the free roll on the ledge of the bathtub. Easy to reach. You know. Hey, at least I FLUSH!!

Anonymous said...

ugh. i disliked shadow of the colossus. greatly. the artwork was nice, but it got rather...boring. i forced myself to kill 8 colossi, and then had to admit to myself that i just didn't want to play anymore. good thing we rented it. actually, we got it for free.

also, the main character runs like an idiot, and probably couldn't swim his way out of a paper bag. good thing he's got you on his side to help him kill those colossi.

my vote for best ps2 game i've played all year goes to God of War. great soundtrack for that one, which is always a plus. best game that almost no one played--but should have--goes to Psychonauts (played it on the Xbox, playing it again on the PC). hooray for both games!

Mr. Youngs said...

Well Red, that is probably why I like the game so much... I can relate. I ran like an idiot from 5th grade to about my sophomore year of high school, and swimming was never my forte, I did better underwater when I swam as well.

You dont get any more story either until you get past #12, and they do finally get more difficult, especially when you figure out an extremely difficult alternative way to fight them and attempt this with a 10% success rate while you overlook the obvious solution. Anyhow, I will have to try God of War, Ive heard great thins about it...does it PS2??

Anonymous said...

yup, God of War is a PS2 game. s and i finally bought it, since we get the urge to play it again every few weeks. then again, that's how i get with katamari, too. very different games, those...wonder what that says about me.

ah, ok, i see how it is. they wanted to bore me to tears to get my guard down, then pummel me with these more difficult colossi. *shakes fist*

Kristin said...

did I read "England"??? ARe you going?