Thursday, August 04, 2005


And I can really shake em down. Anyways, so I have been unable to access the internet for a week or so because my office changed from AOL DSL to SBC since AOL dropped their DSL service. It was inconvenient, but what can you do?

I am glad that I don't watch TV, I am hearing there are all kinds of new and crappy reality shows that I am glad I won't be subjected to. I have been watching a steady stream of Movies though, and some of them, namely THE LIFE AQUATIC & DOLEMITE, which both made me wish for the 2 hours of my life back.

The highlight has been the GUNDAM WING series that I have been watching, 5 episodes at a time. Last night I got to the point that I had seen on cartoon network when it was aired there, so from here out I haven't seen anything. I was glad to see that Quatre(who is my favorite character)was able to beat Hiro (who was supposed to be the best gundam pilot) in a 1 on 1 fight, but luckily Quatre came to his senses before he killed Hiro, thinks he killed Troa though (but troa is still alive floating about in space) anyhow thats all for now


Natalie said...

Yeah. I missed your ever so exciting blog entries. Woo-hoo. My life can go on....yeah.


Kristin said...

Welcome back! By the way, you noticed "colors" in Amish country because depending on their church sect, they are allowed to wear colors. I think the fact that some can wear such colors is the only vibrant thing about them!