Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I thought that i was going to be able to come up with something interesting to post about, but I am at a loss. Soo...Here is what I ahve been doing. On friday I watched..oh, thats right, On friday I was going to watch Silent Running, but it didnt come in time, so the viewing was postponed until saturday night. My mom came up, and brought N some shoes, some shoes from some lady my Grandma knew...My grandma is good about getting shoes. She landed me three decent pair that used to belong to this photographer guy, but he passed on, so I got his shoes...I am not sure if N got dead lady shoes or not, but I think the original owner is still alive. Anyhow, mum, also brought up some licorice, I ordered a pizza and we watched the film, it was good, except for the music by Joan Biaz, or whatever. The little drone things were cute, we thought it was funny how the main character treated them,

"That's what happens when you get careless" (Thanks hun)

is what he says when 01 and 02 find and are pining over the remnant of 03 leg trapped in the catwalk...however, his eugoogally (ZOOLANDER) for his crewmate was very good (acting), Definately worth watching, but I would recommend playing "Wonderful world" over the Biaz music, or something not so eco-hippy-folkish.
I mowed on saturday too...hosed down a wasp nest, and created two new sim familes for my neighbor hood. Sunday I played three services for PC and then went swimming and then went to N's friends E&R's church function for free hotdogs and fireworks show.
Monday was the fourth, I bought a tri-tip from the meat market and took it to V-town for a parbecue at T's house, with all the neices and nephews, We had a good time, saw fireworks, got home late.


Natalie said...
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Anonymous said...

See...I may not have remembered much about the movie, but it was a good one after all. Sorry you don't know who Joan Baez is. She really does have a great voice and the songs aren't THAT bad... just rather dated. The robots were worth the whole effort though. Interesting that they were played by double amputees. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity to see it again.

Now, there's this other movie I remember that has a Southern plantation (and no, its not Gone With The Wind) and lots of trees with moss and a girl....and I can feel the emotion I felt then, but don't remember the film. See what you can do about finding that one, Luke. Must have been during the 50's 'cuz I wasn't very old when I saw it in a theater...

Ooooh...and then there's the only movie that ever gave me a nightmare. SciFi. Some Martian thing that was goldish with pincher type feet? hands? A bulbish head. I think it may be a bit of a cult classic today, but can't remember much else. I know I was really scared. Mike and I saw it at the theater in Bakersfield and I dreamt that the thing was going to get me. Only time I ever had a nightmare that woke me up and made me so upset I needed my mom & dad. I'm sure it would look really hokey today. Be fun to see it again though.

Natalie said...
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