Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Eric said he is going to be fine, I suggested that we reschedule but he said no. i am still workin on the FW schedule. I love you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Never got the Parakeets, my wife and her former apartment mate ended up starving them to death months before we were married.

Being Married

Being Married is kind of like riding your first big rollercoaster, you get in at the beginning with your mate next to you and then the bar comes down to make sure that neither one of you will be leaving for the duration of the ride. You feel excitement as the ride begins, anticipation, excitement, fear, then you begin moving forward and up and your anticipation heightens and you know this is going to be fun. Then comes the drop, its big and it's fast and steep, it puts your stomach in your throat,then there is a lot of screaming. You bottom out and start another climb. Then there is a loop, and then you go through a corkscrew, and then up and down some more ...hills? Then two cars ahead of you the lid of somebody's 36 ounce collectable refillale cup that is strapped to their belt with a plastic caribeaner comes apart and drenches everyone behind them with syrupy cola beverage and you hear someone say, "Hey! This isn't a water ride!"......Okay, so maybe marriage is nothing like a rollercoaster at all, because marraige doesnt end unless you die or if there is some major malfunction, and if those were the only two ways off of a rollercoaster, I don't think that many people would ride them. Well, nobody reads this anyway.

Monday, June 30, 2008


Well, I got a job in Bakersfield. woot. and ... umm, so yeah I haven't posted anything on this for three years....well, I got married, had a baby, and got a foosball table too. . well. I guess thats all for now. I need to get a computer that works and an internet connection and then maybe I could keep this a little more up to date.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


So, Here it is Tuesday and I don't have to work tomorrow, which is great. I have several things to do this week, and I really wish I had more time to relax. Tomorrow I would like to play some PS2 get some baking done and pack for the trip this weekend...I probably wont get to play as much as I would like, but maybe.

Tomorrow also is the start of my birthday week. I decided that since I had to work Monday and Tuesday, and since I have to work next Monday and the week through, that Sunday to Sunday birthday week just wasn't going to work out, so I decided that the best posible way to do birthday week was Wednesday to next Tuesday. That way I get the benefit of three extra nights that I don't have to do anything...now that Marching band is over anyway.

So our plans for the Holiday are thus:
1. Leave early Thursday morning to go to Nat's mom's place by eleven, have Thanksgiving there.

2. Leave Nat's Mom's for my sisters place at two thirty to get there at three thirtyish. have dinner there, dessert, play games.
Sleep....I dont know where we are going to sleep that night.

3. Get up Friday and relax all day long.
Sleep somewhere a second night
go to dunlap from wherever, and then

4. drive all the way home to AG, (thats what we locals call Arroyo Grande)

anyhow, there is way too much driving involved in this weekend, I think everyone there should move to the coast...the climate is much nicer here.

Anyhow, I had all my classes watch Cirque de Solet - Quidam today... it really made watching El Diamante's and Clovis High's shows more understandable....in terms of props and such.'

Something in the house smells like Pepto Bismol, its driving me nuts it really stinks, i gotta find out what it is. ok bye.

EDIT: I think it was gas...the knob was slightly turned on, so I aired the place out a little and then turned on the stove...actually I told myself twice not to turn on the stove because I was afeared it might explode..but for some reason I did it anyway...but it's ok, because I'm not blowed up after all :) and that is good.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Hello all, and welcome to my sporadic Blog. I can't believe that I have not posted in this long. I could say that it is because I have been really busy, which I have, but that is not quite the case. It is more that Blogspot.com is blocked by my school district and therefore I do not have access to update while at achool.

So first big change, I am the band director at Arroyo Grande High School, and we have just finished our marching band season in the WBA circuit, placing 9th overall in our division in preliminary competition out of 12 bands in our division, with a 78.91 or something close to that, which was about a point off of my goal, but still a good start.

I just want to give a quick shoutout to my mom and my sister and thank them for coming to some of my shows, having them there made me feel very well supported, and also a shout out to my dad for hauling the trailer for me, even if he did spill a pan of spaghetti on the ground in the parking lot, and to Heidi and Frank for their enourmous support with the program and to Melinda, Lisa, Rick, Carol, Bob and all the chaperones that made the season possible.

Anyhow, aside from living the newly married life, that is about all as of now. This computer is unstable and shutsdown arbitrarily every so often so I will save and end here. Glory Adios.