Thursday, February 02, 2006


So, these are all the changes currently taking place:
1. Quit my job
2. Began secondary student teaching (full time)
3. Taking out my first student loan
4. bought a used car, a couple months back,
5. Gonna get married
6. Gonna have a wife
7. Gonna have a daugher (Bonus progeny)
8. Gonna have two parakeets
9. have to get rid of some of my stuff
10. have to get her stuff to fit in my little house
11. going to finish student teaching this semester and look for teaching job
12. going to the Pines for a short honeymoon, then later to England for an Extended Honeymoon.
13. Have to take out an extra loan to help with the wedding stuff...
14. need to get a pedicure
15. have decided that I like two percent milk better than nonfat
16. have also decided that soy milk is pretty good, at least with vanill flavoring