The other day N came to me to ask me to help her buy four lego sets for her boss' son A from ebay. A had given her $280 to fund this buying. This combined a couple of my favorite things,
LEGOS, so I took no time in siezing the opportunity and in no time was bidding on one of
each of the sets. Then I saw it, the motherlode, 29 Lego sets, all castle and pirate, in one huge lot. Initially the lot was at $120, but after some
calculations, I decided that this lot was worth $340 on the conservative low end. This lot included 3 out of the four sets that A wanted and a whole lot more, I figured I could buy it, give him the ones he wanted, then sell the rest and buy the final set and then keep whatever profit was made. I was willing to put $50 on top of A's money so that we would have a grand total of $330 to work with. Then I waited. With a minute and thirty seconds I put in my bid of $333.33 hit the verify button and immediately was out bid...I reacted quickly and put in a desperation bid of $350.00, but to no avail. I was out bid again and the auction was over, sold for $355 and no cents. But i was glad that I had not won, my desperation bidding could have gotten me in over my head. I emailed the winning bidder, who used the same last minute tactics that I had but bid higher, and asked him what his highest bid was. He emailed me back, suprisingly, and told me that he didn't really want to pay more than $350, but that he had bid $375 just to make sure. I don't feel so bad about losing it :)
Anyhow, I did find and win one of the large castles on German Ebay, and am currently trying to land the other three.
All this Legoing got me to unpack my own collection. I found a
site that has a list of all the lego sets there are and also inventories each brick from each set. Counting only my complete sets, the site tells me, my collection is worth $180, but I have not entered all of my complete sets yet. The site also provides instructions for sets. I cycled through several of them finding various sets that I know that I have or finding sets that I didn't know I had. One of the spaceships I have is near complete, but is missing a wing and sveral 1x1x3 blue pieces. I built it excluding the missing is near complete, but looks like it flew through a meteor shower, or was in a severe firefight.
I also bought a couple lots of various bricks on ebay...AND I am going
yardsailing this weekend to go see what I can find :) I want to start selling stuff on Ebay too. N laughs at me but understands, thanks honey, I love you.