Saturday, July 16, 2005


So I just spent the last couple hours playing Zuma, from Popcap Games and now it is 2:00 a.m. in the morning (as opposed to 2:00 a.m. in the afternoon). Apparently my mom has become somewhat of a Zuma Master, and I have become like a padawan. The object of zuma is to spit colored balls out of the mouth of a small stone frog idol as other balls are rolling in in order to blow up the rolling balls. Extra points can be earned by making combos or by shooting through a gap made by already exploded balls.

But now I am practicing my HTML, which I just learned today, and I am getting HUNGRY and tired. So I will leave you with that.

I think I will edit this post at another time, i dont know why that one link changed color?

Monday, July 11, 2005


I am an Ebay sniper. Like an invisble eagle, circling around a fisherman only to steal away the fish at the last moment. Like a ninja in a darkroom on the night of a new moon, who swipes the negatives before they can be developed. Or, like two white rabbits in a snow storm driving a white truck full of white butcher paper listening to The Great White on the radio, is my Ebay auction skill!

My technique is thus:
1. THE SEARCH - I peruse the listings, searching for items i may be interested in. Once I find something, I determine the going price for the item, and decide how much I will pay for it.

2. THE WAIT - Once I set my heart on a particular item I take a look at when the auction ends and make a note of it. Then I calculate what time I need to come back to steal the item away from the unlucky bidder (aka the adversary)

3. THE SNIPE - Generally I start paying close attention at about 10 minutes til the end of the auction. I refresh my screen once a minute until about the three minute mark. I then begin to listen for the ticks of the clock behind me and synchronize it with the seconds left on the auctiontimer. At the two minute mark I place my bid and go to the bid confirmation screen...the key to the bid is that it must be the absolute highest that I am willing to pay, that way, if I lose, I don't feel as bad about it. I count in my head w/ the help of the clock, until about 25 seconds left and confirm the bid. Then I go back to the Item description page and refresh the screen, and either see a few seconds remaining, or that I have won the auction.

Sniping actually has good aspects for the buyer. It prevents impulsive price wars. On one occasion I got into a bidding war with an adversary and ended up paying more than I would have just because I wanted to win...I guess I'm too competitive. The other thing sniping does is prevents a devious seller from running the proxy bid up to your max bid. It also gives other bidders a very little window to bid against you, which is why they should have bid their max to begin with. Sniping also provides a little bit of a rush and feeling of accomplishment when you manage to steal something away at the last minute. So I hope you have all learned a valuable lesson, and will use these methods as your own. Happy Sniping!!

Like a kitten with an XM-25, is my ebay auction skill!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I thought that i was going to be able to come up with something interesting to post about, but I am at a loss. Soo...Here is what I ahve been doing. On friday I watched..oh, thats right, On friday I was going to watch Silent Running, but it didnt come in time, so the viewing was postponed until saturday night. My mom came up, and brought N some shoes, some shoes from some lady my Grandma knew...My grandma is good about getting shoes. She landed me three decent pair that used to belong to this photographer guy, but he passed on, so I got his shoes...I am not sure if N got dead lady shoes or not, but I think the original owner is still alive. Anyhow, mum, also brought up some licorice, I ordered a pizza and we watched the film, it was good, except for the music by Joan Biaz, or whatever. The little drone things were cute, we thought it was funny how the main character treated them,

"That's what happens when you get careless" (Thanks hun)

is what he says when 01 and 02 find and are pining over the remnant of 03 leg trapped in the catwalk...however, his eugoogally (ZOOLANDER) for his crewmate was very good (acting), Definately worth watching, but I would recommend playing "Wonderful world" over the Biaz music, or something not so eco-hippy-folkish.
I mowed on saturday too...hosed down a wasp nest, and created two new sim familes for my neighbor hood. Sunday I played three services for PC and then went swimming and then went to N's friends E&R's church function for free hotdogs and fireworks show.
Monday was the fourth, I bought a tri-tip from the meat market and took it to V-town for a parbecue at T's house, with all the neices and nephews, We had a good time, saw fireworks, got home late.

Bruce Dern is Lowell Mason in SILENT RUNNING